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  • The Impact Of Socioeconomic Inequality On Education: How To Rise Beyond Educational Disparities

    Posted on : June 22, 2023
    While it's a fact that all citizens, regardless of their status, must receive equal opportunities for education, various factors bar such equal availability of academic resources. Today, the gap in educational achievements between pupils from various socioeconomic origins is considerably vast. Focusing on the causes, impact, and methods of resolu.... Read More
  • Decolonizing English Language Teaching & Pedagogy

    Posted on : April 25, 2023
    In the era of globalization, English has become a means of communication for people from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. We’re well aware of the colonial history of the English language however, its lingering mark and the imposition of western pedagogies in the current era are topics yet to be explored fully. Has the English langua.... Read More
  • Fostering Identity Safety In American Schools: It Starts With You

    Posted on : April 17, 2023
    Schools are a place where students should feel safe to learn, grow and express themselves without fear of being judged or discriminated against. Unfortunately, this is not always the case for students who face identity-based harassment and discrimination. This has become a common occurrence not only in schools in the US but also in institutions a.... Read More
  • Valuing Differences: Neurodiversity In The Classroom

    Posted on : March 28, 2023
    Diversity in education is an important topic that has gained increasing attention in recent years. In a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected, it is important to ensure that education systems are inclusive and representative of the diverse societies that they serve. To create an environment that welcomes neurodivergent stud.... Read More
  • How Can Empathy Enhance Teaching And Learning?

    Posted on : March 28, 2023
    Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. It involves putting yourself in someone else's shoes and imagining their feelings. A common theme in empathy involves responding with compassion and understanding. Here is something to ponder upon. Are we empathetic in our methods of tuition? How can empathy .... Read More
  • Physically Active Learning In School Curriculum

    Posted on : March 22, 2023
    "Each to his own" is an apt phrase when it comes to learning and education. Text and technology play a prominent role in modern educational setups. But students need more than books and screens to learn. Physically Activity Learning (PAL) in the school curriculum is an innovative educational strategy today. Many education events in V.... Read More
  • Deconstructing Education Fraud: Education 2.0 Conference Against Scams

    Posted on : March 22, 2023
    Education is one of the most important aspects of our lives. It not only helps us acquire knowledge and skills but also plays a vital role in shaping our future. However, with the rise of technology, education scams have become a growing concern for students, parents, and educators alike. In recent years, the.... Read More
  • How Do SDGs Benefit Students? A Review By Education 2.0 Conference

    Posted on : March 21, 2023
    The Sustainable Development Goals represent a bold global agenda. They form the transformative pillars for the world's most pressing economic, social, and environmental challenges. SDGs provide a powerful framework for the educational sector. When adopted in schools and institutions, they ensure inclusive and equitable quality education.... Read More
  • So, You Want To Be An Entrepreneurial Researcher?

    Posted on : February 22, 2023
    Entrepreneurship, an art embraced by many business enthusiasts today, is gradually becoming an ever-more competitive field! While some seek to take their existing businesses to new heights, many enthusiasts work towards researching and analyzing their economic prospects. Modern economies are growing and developing as a result of entrepreneurship..... Read More
  • Mental Health In The Digital Age: Education 2.0 Conference’s Review

    Posted on : February 09, 2023
    The world today absorbs digital media content at an excessively rapid rate. From a 10-minute metro commute to sitting hours on our couch, 'scrolling' has become our new hobby. Excessive use of social media and mobile gadgets can cause psychological and physical distress, contributing to problems like eyestrain and diminished attention spans; thes.... Read More