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Joanna Witwicka is an exceptional young leader with experience in education, student counseling, and educational assessment. This passionate personality, based in Switzerland, is an Associate Director of Admissions at Webster University Geneva.

She firmly believes that technology is the future of education and assessment. Therefore, she developed innovative student counseling methods using digital tools. At Oxford, she conducted pioneer research in Africa in collaboration with the UNESCO International Bureau of Education on the challenges of digital assessment and hybrid education during COVID-19 in developing countries.

In addition, Joanna Witwicka supports literacy projects in Africa and, along with NGOs, helps less privileged women from Ivory Coast learn how to write, read and calculate using digital technologies.

Tremendous Collaboration
Opportunities At Education 2.0

Joanna Witwicka reviews how the global platform of the Education 2.0 Conference unites people from different backgrounds, cultures, and places and gives them the unique opportunity to learn, network, and collaborate. She was grateful to meet exceptional people from all over the world and explore the collaboration prospects with them. As Joanna looks forward to making a difference in the world, she shares how important it is for her to boost her knowledge and network, which she did at this 3-day education event!

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