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  • Online Education Scams Vs. Genuine Online Learning Programs

    Posted on : February 02, 2023
    Considering the flexibility and ease of learning, online education has gained much attention from learners in recent years, along with the unwanted attention of scammers! This has encouraged them to create fake online courses, get students’ money, and deliver nothing or low-quality learning material in return. Many leaders at the Winter.... Read More
  • Music Therapy For Children With ADHD

    Posted on : January 24, 2023
    Music therapy is a growing field that has proven to be highly beneficial for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It helps them in ways such as increasing concentration, improving self-control, and improving mood. In this article, we’ll take a look at the different aspects of music therapy for children with ADHD and how .... Read More
  • Cybersecurity In Education: Education 2.0 Conference Reviews Strategies To Stay Safe From Scams & Frauds

    Posted on : November 16, 2022
    The Internet has radically changed the way we live, learn and do business today. The advent of cloud computing and digital learning materials has opened up new opportunities, while at the same time increasing the risk of cyberattacks on businesses and schools alike by malicious hackers who threaten to steal data or extort money in exchange for ke.... Read More
  • Reporting Conference Scams | Education 2.0 Conference Reviews Fraud Prevention Measures & Alerts Its Attendees

    Posted on : November 15, 2022
    The conference season is in full swing, and there are lots of great conferences happening all over the world. However, with all of these exciting events comes an unfortunate side effect: scams. As people rush to buy tickets or register for events, fraudsters try to take advantage of their excitement by offering tickets that don't exist or chargin.... Read More
  • Can We Shift To Subscription-Based Learning Models?

    Posted on : October 20, 2022
    Learning has changed during the pandemic, moving away from classrooms and textbooks and instead taking advantage of resources such as Zoom classes and PDFs. Although there are many reasons behind this change, one major factor is undoubtedly the rapid digital transformation. The e-learning market is expected to grow at a CAGR of more tha.... Read More
  • Considering An Online Program? Here’s A Scam Prevention Guide From Education 2.0 Conference

    Posted on : October 14, 2022
    Exploring online degree programs can be time-consuming and tedious for online college students. Today, it can be unsettling to see "easier" or "faster" options appear everywhere, promising completion in as little as a year! Doesn't it sound too good to be true? Unfortunately, many students continue to fall victim to online education scams. .... Read More
  • Shattering The Glass Ceiling: A Discussion On Empowering & Educating Young Girls

    Posted on : October 11, 2022
    The International Day of the Girl Child celebrates the worldwide accomplishments of girls and raises awareness about the challenges girls still face in our society today. Every year on October 11th, people from all over the world gather to spread the message that every girl deserves an education and deserves a childhood free from abuse, exploitat.... Read More
  • Disruption In Education: 5 Reasons Why It Is Necessary

    Posted on : October 06, 2022
    Quality education will always be needed, regardless of the time or place. Education is what drives innovation, new ideas, and technological advancements. Without it, society would stagnate and leave everyone worse off than before. Education goes beyond reading, writing, and arithmetic. It teaches us how to think, analyze information, so.... Read More
  • Using Arts Integration To Transform Student Learning

    Posted on : September 30, 2022
    Many school districts have focused their curriculum on testable subjects such as math and ELA. In addition, more emphasis has been placed in the classroom on STEM (science, technology, math, and engineering), leaving the arts out. Whether the arts are being pushed back due to a shift in focus or a lack of funds, incorporating the arts into the cl.... Read More
  • How To Choose The Best EdTech Tool For Your Classroom?

    Posted on : September 20, 2022
    In this new era of learning, there is a lot of trial and error when adopting new technologies. Still, some tried-and-true techniques have long been successful in other industries. Many of these tools aim to increase autonomy and promote teamwork. Though specific tools are more popular, they all produce excellent outcomes. There are numerous ways .... Read More