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With the development of the world wide web and its ever-evolving innovations, each and every aspect of our lives has dramatically changed. From finances and economy to automotive and transportation modes - change is palpable in every facet of our lives. However, the education industry has not only changed as one but has also stimulated the change in other domains.

The saying, ‘change is the only constant’, indicates that our means of communication have also transformed into the digital era and it keeps growing. Experts suggest that we are currently going through the Fourth Industrial revolution. Whether it is the digital transformation or the developments in our economies, all are factored upon new innovations which entail extensive research and study. Therefore, education is the pivotal arena for change and rightfully so.

The education sector has recorded a few changes in almost every tier - from primary classrooms to university levels. With new and better techniques introduced while educating, it is imperative to upgrade the course of it as well as their applications. The first step would be to keep abreast of the industry trends. Few of the most prominent education trends in 2021 are:

Technological Advancements Across Industries
Technological progress has emerged as one of the dominant trends this year. Various industries are approaching workflow automation and candidates who are savvy with the latest cloud technology are more employable. Therefore, professional technology training programmes and courses are increasingly becoming popular while offering to help you build cloud-based technological skills.

Inclusion of Skill-Oriented Curriculum
Another important education trend is a noticeable shift from subject-based mindless learning to more skills-oriented learning methods. In this modern era, educationists emphasise the importance of cognitive thinking, problem solving, and management. It not only helps in building skillful aptitude of new-age students but also motivates them to apply the learning into real-life scenarios that are increasingly surfacing.

Personalised Learning Spaces
The world has finally woken up to the fact that there are countless geniuses who are going underutilised because of the lack of adequate resources. The pandemic kicked off the inclusion of more accessible teaching tools and practices in the classrooms, making it a hopeful education trend in 2021.

Innovative Curriculum
The education sector has seen a dramatic shift in their curriculum. A few decades ago, students had a few options to pursue and now, there are numerous possibilities - from applied linguistics, food anthropology, and culture studies to ethical hacking, artificial intelligence, and acabus science. The choices available and the variety of subjects that are being included in mainstream college and university curriculum these days are revolutionary in many ways. In other words, these new specializations have opened up more scope of innovations within and out the professional spheres.

The overall education trends in 2021 have a lot more to offer and to a much diverse audience in the upcoming years. These trends are just the beginning of the greatness that the education industry has to offer, which is likely to be complementary to the developments in other professional fields as well. One of the best and innovative ways of keeping up with the trends and learning to steer through them is attending an education conference, such as the Education 2.0. It offers more than just the awareness of trends. Things like learning and applying new methods, building professional networks, and eventually growing with the best.