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Children have a lot on their plate during their growing up years — from tackling academic pressures, navigating relationships with peers and parents, traversing social media, to maintaining hectic schedules. They have to deal with a wide variety of challenges and face stressors on a daily basis. If they are not equipped with the tools to cope with the adversities that life throws their way, their mental health suffers. This can lead to long-term consequences and maladaptive behaviors.

Rising cases of depression and anxiety in children across the world have become a serious cause of concern. Such mental health issues were exacerbated owing to the pandemic as many students lost their parents, dealt with changing learning models, and remained home for a better part of the year. Therefore, it is all the more important to discuss ways and means through which we can help children develop coping skills for their mental well-being.

A few mental health experts and child psychologists left us with a few strategies to promote mental health awareness and well-being in schools at post-COVID education events in Dubai. Let’s have a look at some of them:

Maintain an open-door policy

Ensuring that students feel comfortable talking to staff members about their issues is the first step you need to take for their mental health. The awareness that they can walk up to an adult and discuss what’s troubling them is not only reassuring, but it also makes them feel that they are not alone. While just listening with empathy and understanding can be extremely beneficial, it is vital to train educators to spot signs that a student needs professional help.

Connect with parents

The key to good mental health is working collaboratively with guardians of students who also play a role in their holistic well-being. However, many behavioral issues may not be clearly manifested in the home, which is why educators must get in touch with parents if they notice their wards acting out. Here, it is crucial not to admonish parents and instead, work together to understand the reasons behind the child’s behavioral issues.

Have feedback boxes

From identity crises, peer pressure to being bullied — there are several issues that children refrain from talking about because of the fear of being ridiculed or ostracized. Here, anonymous letters can help them to vocalize themselves and seek guidance. Students can write about their problems which can be addressed in the classroom in a non-judgmental, gentle, and empathetic manner. The discussion can then encourage students to open up in safe spaces.

Create a positive atmosphere

Young learners flourish in environments that support learning, are friendly and inclusive, and encourage them to voice themselves and their feelings. Creating such a safe environment should be on the top of the agenda of school administrators as this is directly linked to enhanced socio-emotional development and better academic achievement. This can be achieved by outlining school behavior policies that encourage inclusivity, kindness, and respect.

In such an environment, children will learn to express themselves without being scared of being marginalized. This is where they really get to express their unique personalities and ultimately, gain the skills they need to become self-actualized adults.

Educators are responsible for ensuring that today’s young learners grow up to be happier, healthier individuals. To understand how you can play a role in enhancing the mental health of students during such unprecedented times, do register for education conferences in Dubai in 2022, such as the Education 2.0 Conference!

Author Name
Jhanvi Saxena
Author Bio

As an experienced and competent team leader, Jhanvi ensures that delegates have a remarkable experience at the Education 2.0 Conference. The three-day event allows attendees to learn about education-related topics - from new developments to the latest EdTech advancements. Along with these benefits, it also features speaker sessions on how everyone can contribute towards ending scams, spam, and fraudulent schemes that exploit students.